The Aces Organization is proud to offer Scholarships to recognize our student athletes who excel in the classroom, on the field, and in our community
Scholarship Opportunities:
1. Loudoun Aces Baseball Scholarships (1- 3 @ $250-$500ea - number and amount TBD)
The Loudoun Aces Baseball Club (LABC) has created an annual scholarship to recognize students who are graduating seniors and who have played baseball in the Aces organization. The first Aces team was created in 2009 and teams have been added at ages 8U-17U since that time. The intent is to recognize individuals who have demonstrated a commitment to baseball and continuing his education.
Applicant must have been a player on an Aces team for at least one full season
Applicant must be in the graduating class of 2023
Applicant plans to enroll in an accredited community college, trade school, college or university as a full-time or part-time student
Applicant must submit an essay detailing the impact that their experience with the Aces has had on their lives to date and how they think it will help them in the future. Essay must include the years of participation with the Aces.
Selection of the scholarship recipient will be made by the Board of Directors of the LABC
Please note that LABC reserves the right not to award the scholarship if we do not receive suitable applications
All essays must be emailed to aces@loudounacesbaseball.com no later than April 30, 2024 – Decisions will be made in May before the students graduate.
2. Kevin Bednoski Community Impact Scholarship – 1 @ $250-$500 (amount TBD)
The Loudoun Aces Baseball Club (LABC) has created an annual scholarship in the name of Kevin Bednoski, who founded the Aces in 2009 to recognize students who are graduating seniors and who have played baseball in the Aces organization and who are active in their community. Mr. Bednoski led the formation of the first Aces team in 2009 from kids in the Loudoun County community and the organization has been a big part of Loudoun County for the last 13 years. Not only do the kids who play for the Aces play a high level of baseball and represent their community in tournaments up and down the east coast, but the players spend a lot of time in their community giving back; especially during holidays throughout the year. The intent is to recognize individuals who have demonstrated a commitment to baseball, our community and continuing his education.
Applicant must have been a player on an Aces team for at least one full season
Applicant must be in the graduating class of 2023
Applicant plans to enroll in an accredited community college, trade school, college or university as a full-time or part-time student
Applicant must submit an essay detailing the impact that their experience with the Aces has had on their lives to date, how they have been actively involved in their community since playing with the Aces and how they think this service will help them in the future. Essay must include the years of participation with the Aces.
Selection of the scholarship recipient will be made by the Board of Directors of the LABC
Please note that LABC reserves the right not to award the scholarship if we do not receive suitable applications
All essays must be emailed to aces@loudounacesbaseball.com no later than April 30, 2024 – Decisions will be made in May before the students graduate.